save the soil~save the earth

The word Soil in many languages is the same word for Earth. The word Earth came from the Anglo-Saxon erda and in German, erde, both of which mean ground or soil. Terre is the French word for Earth, whose origin can be traced back to the same Latin terre, which also means landsoil, and property.

In the madness of modern times, where greed, power and corruption are poisoning the soil, one can easily take on the sense of being complicit in this suicidal spiral. If you’re not creating local food systems, or composting, or personally supporting efforts to stop the pervasive and massive undertaking by big Ag to add glyphosate to every molecule of our diet, the work ahead of us can seem futile.

Hope is Possible ~ Action is Necessary

We have now in our food chain, and in our very bloodstreams, particles of plastic, pesticides, herbicides and neurotoxins. All the fasting and juicing you can do won’t make it go away. We MUST look to the soil if we are to save each other. OUR BODIES ARE OF THE SOIL.

Industrial farming practices have been depleting the soil for decades. Degraded soil around the world, plus the mono-crop practice of growing corn and soybeans for ethanol and animal feed, is making farms less fertile and threatening the future of the food supply. The facts show our fruits and vegetables are now significantly less nutritious due to soil depletion. The gluten-free movement and the increase in people with celiac disease is the result of modern wheat crops having been over-hybridized and the soil it’s grown in is filled not with nutrients, but with artificial fertilizers.


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