Your Climate Vocabulary: Bioengineering


With the continued fight for GMO labeling, and ultimately the discontinuance of GMOs altogether, we are protecting not only our own rights, bodies and our children, but also generations to come.

What will it take for government agencies to act without lobbying or influence and institute proper GMO labeling? There is no question now that GMOs are potentially dangerous, and are part of an astronomically-large global experiment. This is why Hungary destroyed all Monsanto GMO corn fields just a few years ago, and why nations like France, the U.K., and India took a stand against Monsanto and GMOs. This is why Italy banned some of Monsanto’s corn with 80% public support, and the nation of Bhutan decided to go 100% organic.

Some scientific groups are nay-saying the dangers, however, according to Michael Hansen, a critic of GM foods with Consumers Union, “Look at what the FDA says when they approve a food, saying: ‘It is our understanding that Monsanto has concluded this is safe’. They just rubber-stamp it.”

Thousands of studies have been performed over the past 20 years, with many of those studies funded by big Ag and Big biotech, declaring that GMO foods are generally safe. But follow the money. The FDA evaluates GMO foods, the USDA evaluates GMO crops and the EPA evaluates insect- and virus-resistant GMO crops. 

Who Funds Many of the GMO studies?

Who is in collusion with these government agencies? Monsanto–the ‘Corporate King’ of Frankenfoods. In fact, at least 47% of GMO studies are directly linked to a professional or financial affiliation to the GMO industry.Many pro-GMO companies bend the data and employ PR tricks that harken back to the heyday of the tobacco industry in order to skew that the true science that is available. DuPont is another ‘player’ in this corporate brainwashing.

This year, the USDA decided to adopt GE labeling as a part of the national bioengineered food disclosure standard in 2018. For a better understanding of what should be labeled, the USDA says some examples are: alfalfa, arctic apple varieties, canola, corn, cotton, eggplant varieties, ringspot virus-resistant papaya varieties, pink flesh pineapple varieties, potatoes, soybean, summer squash and sugar beets.

Read your food labels and know what’s ‘IN’ what you’re eating. Read more from sources:
Go here for a list of GMO foods:


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Your Climate Vocabulary: Climate Justice