Are E bike owners more fit?

Do people who buy e-bikes cycle more? European researchers found that new e-bike owners were more active, increasing their distance by 49 percent, while there was no change in distance traveled in the standard pedal biking group. Owning an e-bike does improve overall health. E-bike owners also started using cars and public transportation less, leading researchers to conclude that owning an e-bike leads to significant lifestyle changes. An interesting takeaway is that even though the e-bikers were exerting themselves, it did not feel strenuous. E biking is considered a cardiovascular activity, according to a study by Brigham Young University. Further studies will reveal how the continuous use of electric bikes contributes to a healthier aging population and a cleaner world.

Tips for Riding an E-bike:

  • Use a sunscreen year round, but one without harmful chemicals. The pavement reflects more UV rays.

  • Wear proper cycling clothes. In addition to a helmet, the right type of clothing will ensure that you are comfortable and protected with light and breathable fabrics.

  • Sunglasses can help you prevent conditions that can result from your eyes being exposed to UV rays. Protect your eye's retina. When it is damaged, your vision will diminish.

  • Stay hydrated. Do not leave home or work without a bottle of water. You should aim to drink about a pint of water for every 45-60 minutes that you are riding. Avoid sports drinks with sugar and unnecessary additives .

  • Choose your riding time wisely. The mornings and evenings are a better time for you to ride. The temperature and humidity are at more comfortable levels, and the UV rays are less intense.

Are you planning to purchase an E-bike soon? Redwood Credit Union provides loans to purchase E-bikes, and with amounts up to $20,000, you get greater flexibility in the type of bike you can afford. Redwood Credit Union helps you manage your money while being kind to the planet -it's easy!

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